Rooney Mara in "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"; Bijules Bony Knuckle Ring
Photo: Courtesy of Columbia Pictures; Courtesy of Bijules
Even though The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has been in theatres for a while, the gritty, Sweden-set film about a journalist and ace girl hacker (aka one of the coolest characters ever to grace the silver screen, Lisbeth Salander, played by Rooney Mara) is still making waves in the fash world. Miss Mara has been all over the place doing press for the film, wearing edgy ensembles that have kept the media talking, including her fantastic Golden Globes dress, which stood out with its H.R. Giger-inspired lattice and a mini bustle. It's like she became the part and continues to shock us with flashes of badassery, which in our opinion, is much needed on the red carpet. Aside from that H&M Dragon Tattoo collection that came and went, we're still really interested in honing the Salander look.
Now, thanks to designer Jules Kim, creator of bona fide brizilliant jewelry line Bijules, we can accessorize Lisbeth-style. And we mean by wearing the exact same rings Rooney wore in the film.
Kim created the Bony Knuckle Ring and Mini Curved Bar Ring ($264) that Rooney, as Lisbeth, wore in the film. Total statement pieces in both size and shape, it's a bit ridiculous how badly we want these things. They're AWESOME and the type of accessory investment you know you'll wear all the time. Also? They'll instantaneously edge-out any look, command attention all by themselves, and maybe act as a self-defense device. Seriously, don't these beauties look like they might hurt you if you get too close? We're so down with that extra bit of Lisbeth power in their essence.

Bijules "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" rings.
Photo: Courtesy of Bijules
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